Oh The Adventure You Two Will Have!
Are you ready for the journey?
Anita & Hernan
Oh The Adventure You Two Will Have!
8 Destinations, 40 Stops, 30+ Side Quests, Countless Surprises
Learn why connection is important. What is the legendary tango walk and what does it mean? You’ll kick off your Tango passport by learning how to walk as a couple. You’ll also discover the importance of the close embrace. Quest 1. Connection -Body alignment and weight shift as the first movement of a couple -Developing connection through the Tango axis -Taking care of the Follower Quest 2 & Quest 3. Tango Walk -Walking as a couple and partner work -Resistance/opposition exercise and creating the delay -Line of dance - traveling around the dance floor and how to create the curve ˙ Quest 4. Close Embrace -Secrets of tango embrace (including close and open sides of embrace) -Circles of energy and the V-position -5 triangles of the open side of the embrace
Continue your Argentine Tango journey by mastering torsions and feeling the energy of the lead. As you progress, you’ll learn eight step sequences. The basics of improvisation conclude this fascinating destination. Quest 4: Torsions - Initiating torsion - Creating torsion to the left and to the right and while on one foot - Walking in straight line with torsion to the right and left - Adjusting the torsion to create space and accommodate your partner - Head and foot position and self correction - Energy of the lead /intention and Quest 5: Getting Outside Partner Right - 8 step sequences as well as cross and open steps - Modifying the torsion while traveling in straight line versus around the floor -Improvisation: modifying the 8 step sequence Quest 6. Getting Outside Partner Left & Improvisation - Left foot forward, right leg back…and other leaders ‘rules’ - ‘Numerology’ for getting outside partner left and how to choose the steps in any given position - Transitioning the feet and possible variations
Discover new ways of communicating with your partner as well as how to master side steps. Additionally, you’ll learn one of the most important elements of tango– baldoza! Quest 7. Side Steps - Correct position while standing on one leg and shifting from one side to the other - Creating the side step - oppositions - Using the foot (flex/point motion) to extend / elongate the leg - Plus! Allowing the line of the foot to extend the line of the leg, projecting the leg, feet articulation Quest 8. Introducing Baldoza - Discovering 3 directions / 6 steps tango essence - Baldoza sequence for Leaders and for Followers - Best practices for dancing the Baldoza including leg movement, lines, weight transitions, and directions - Differences between forward walk, back walk and side step Quest 9. Secrets of Communication - Idea of communication in leading and following - Keeping energy of the embrace constant, circles of energy and core movement - Changing direction through reassignments of energy level and through torsion - Understanding oppositions and reacting to the lead vs. responding to the lead Quest 10. Baldoza Outside Partner - Leading size of the step, side step and cross step - 2 methods to get to the outside partner position - Ability to take longer or shorter steps than your partner - Intensity of the torsion- Baldoza challenge modifications - Baldoza challenge - freely combining all 4 possibilities
You’ll end these quests dancing the baldoza! Understanding the intricacies and modifications of this important tango sequence will allow you to take your dance to the next level. Quest 11. Typical Baldoza -Typical baldoza - Step 2 and 3 outside -‘Naming’ the steps by numbers - 6 steps equals 6 positions -Accommodating partner ’s torsion during baldoza, understanding turn to the right, turn to the left and feet adjustment. -Rotating baldoza on the first step Quest 12. Baldoza Halves -Baldoza bottom half: back side forward and baldoza top half: forward side back -Reversing the pattern: traveling towards the left and traveling towards the right -Finding baldoza in opposite than ‘normal’ direction and discovering new patterns possibility within baldoza -Using repetitions as pattern modifiers Quest 13. Traveling Baldoza -The difference between weight shift and side step…and leading weight change versus side step -Translating upper body sensation into the action of the lower body -Finding the arch shape as a weight shift sensation -Diagonal down sensation for the step
You will learn to execute a crucial step in Argentine Tango…the Cross! And…strengthen your improvisation skills as you continue your journey.c Quest 14. Finding the Cross -Position of feet while in the cross -Allowing the body to find the space -Finding the supporting leg, weight shifts and balance in cross feet position -Crossing from the back and front Quest 15. Creating the Cross -Finding the cross position from the leg extension: normal extension ( 2 tracks), foot behind the foot (one track), foot in the other side of standing leg (2 tracks) -Ability to extend the leg toward the desirable positions and adding the torsions -Ability to cross after the back step -5 actions embedded into the cross Quest 16: Crossing Sequence -Crossing from the walking - 8 step sample sequence -Cross from walk - followers steps and torsions -Improvisation aspect
Baldoza, 8 count basic to the cross and techniques that support improvisation are taught in these engaging quests! Quest 17: Two Halves of Baldoza -Baldoza - review of 6 walking steps -Splitting baldoza into to halves -Exchanging walking step #6 with weight change -3 magic steps: pre-cross, cross, after cross Quest 18: 8-count Basic to The Cross -Basic to the cross - Follower ’s steps and torsions and Leader ’s steps and torsions -Linear lead versus circular lead -Circularity of practice embrace -Opposition - circularity -Basic in practice embrace and close embrace Quest 19: At Least 2 Ways -Two ways of getting into outside partner position - side step and cross walk -Crossing from baldoza and crossing from walk -Improvisation aspect
Learn to rebound, turn and more about timing. By the end of these quests you will be ready to hit the milanga…with confidence! Quest 20: Musicality -Phrasing -2 by 3 versus 4 by 4 -Double time, Time, Half Time Double Time on 5 and 1 Double time on 4 and 5 Double time on 1 and 2 Double time on 2 and 3 -Baldoza challenge Quest 21. Transformations / Creating shapes -Numbers as ‘names’ of the specific steps -Time value of step versus time value of weight change -Replacing chosen steps with weight change. Quest 22. Double Time in Basic to the Cross -Adding double time on the cross (4 and 5) -Adding double time at the close -Half Time Step -Spreading the movement over time
Learn to rebound, turn and more about timing. By the end of these quests you will be ready to hit the milanga…with confidence! Quest 23. Rebound -Rebound exercises -Rebound in line -Continuous rebounds in line -Rebound outside partner Quest 24. Turning -Axis of turn -Axis of the rebound -Turning of the rebound -Using rebound to adjust the direction Quest 25. Timing -Timing -Double time in rebound -Baldoza in 6 - turning -Baldoza converted to square - turning -Baldoza converted to triangle - turning You’ll also experience engaging side quests that immerse you in the history, culture and music of tango…taught by top tango experts from around the globe!
The Adventure Awaits
Your Tango Passport Starts Here
Join the club! Most of our students are super busy as well. That’s the beauty of Tango Passport…the bite-sized videos and activities can be done on your schedule. Most of them are 6-10 minutes long. We find that our students make the most progress when they spend around 2 hours per week…so that’s what we recommend! That being said, however the course is self-paced and is adaptable to your needs!
Our students were amazingly creative during COVID and learned to Tango in VERY small spaces. Perhaps that means moving a table to the side of the room, or sitting your computer on the kitchen counter…but most people can make it work.
Absolutely. The great thing about starting from scratch is that you don’t have to “unlearn” anything. We teach in a logical, progressive way that will get you to the dance floor…no matter where you are starting.
Tango Passport is in English but we have plenty of visual aides that will support you if English is your second language. In terms of age, it doesn’t matter if you are 18 or 80, if you can walk, you can tango. Likewise, it doesn’t matter who your partner is…as long as you can identify a leader and a follower, you can tango!
No! Posing, fancy moves and dancing like an acrobat are in the movies. Argentine tango as we teach it focuses on body awareness. You’ll gain flexibility as you progress.
Yes! If you can walk, you can tango. Tango will help you get into shape in a way that is gentle and fun. It is a great option that’ll help get you moving.
Have another question that we didn’t answer here? Send us an email at: [email protected].