Tango Fulness w Dimitris Bronowski

Excerpts from Tango Fulness are included

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    Tango Secrets - TangoFullness with Dimitris Bronowski

    • Dimitris Bronowski's Tango Secrets (Video Interview)

    • Dimitris Bronowski's Tango Secrets (Read from screen or download the PDF)

    • Tango Fullness by Dimitris Bronowski - Excerpts chosen by the author (Read from screen or download the PDF)

    • Dimitris Bronowski's Tango Secrets (audio)

Dimitris Bronowski's 'WHY'

Dimitris is a tanguero for the last 10 years, and is the author of the books Tango Tips by the Maestros, Tangofulness, and Tangothoughts. His vision is to help people discover moments of meaning and transformation through tango. He is the founder of Tango Argentino Festivals (.com) 

Dimitris has launched multiple tango projects to help tangueros and tangueras around the world enjoy tango more (like free tango accommodation around the world, the Tangothoughts blog, the book and platform Tango Tips by the Maestros, etc.

I think I can put it in words now. 

It was what made me get hooked back then, but back then I could not understand it. And I think now I can do it. 

In Tango, we have these three elements: we have trust as a door to honest communication.  An emrace as a form of communication. And then you have the movement, which is the result of that communication. You have trust, you have embrace, and you have movement.

Dimitris Bronowski's Tango Secrets

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